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Reunion Info
(July 09, 2012)NéryNews April/May 2012
George Foster - 4 Measham Close, Norton, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland TS20 1RS 01642 644645 [email protected]
Reunion Information
The twenty third reunion for ex members of Nèry and Eagles will take place over the August Bank Holiday weekend, Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th August 2012. The venue is the Barnard Castle Rugby Club premises in Birch Road for both nights. For early arrivals on Friday 26th there will be a pie and pea buffet and background music in the Rugby Club from about 1930.
On the Saturday morning there will be a short walk along the river Tees for those who feel the urge, about three miles to Egglestone Abbey and back. Meet at the Blue Bell pub at the bottom of The Bank at 0930 am.
Saturday evening from 1930 until midnight dance to Andrew and his disco, buffet and raffle. On the Sunday evening there is an invite to the DLI club for a quiet night, bingo or a game of dominoes etc.
On the reverse is a list of accommodation in the Barnard Castle area and again I would remind you that the town gets busy over the bank holiday period and therefore it is a good idea to book early. The address list has been checked as far as possible but at going to print we understand the tourist office in Barnard castle has been closed, which was our source of accommodation information.
Many thanks to those who contribute a raffle prize and donate a little extra which helps to keep the costs down.
2011 Reunion A great weekend with lots of new faces, thank you for your support to the reunion.
Donations Following a successful raffle and auction at our 2011 reunion we have been able to make the following donations over the past year :
Help for Heroes - £50 and £75 in respect of Charlie Alexander and Ivan Doherty. Royal Artillery Charitable Fund - £150 - Friend in need -£20 – . These donations are purely as a result of the generosity of all who attended last years reunion but cover the period March to December 2011. Thank you for your generosity.
RA – Regimental Events
May 2nd – Gunner Rugby 7’s at Larkhill
May 19/20th RA Assembly – Blackpool.
The Serving Batteries I’ll drop a line to both Battery Commanders asking for an update on each and pass on the thoughts and good wishes of all OCA members. An officer has been appointed to be the lead for the 2014 centenary event at Nèry. There is a lot of interest in this special occasion and I understand that there may be a visit to Nèry this year by some members of the battery on a battlefield tour of the village. The Eagle Troop had a low key Hyderabad Day; the Battery celebrated it on Friday 23 Mar 12 with a Battery breakfast and a family’s day on Sat 24 Mar 12..They are also holding a 3 RHA reunion on September 8th in Birmingham where there will be former and serving members of all of the Batteries. It would be great if there could be an Eagles representation. Please contact me if you are interested and I will email the information received from BC Eagles.
Kind regards
George Foster _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Please complete and return the slip for tickets by 17th August 2012 to the address at the top.
Name_________________________________________ Please send me __________ tickets @ £5.00 each. I enclose a cheque made payable to L(Nery) OCA for £_______ and a stamped addressed envelope for the return of my tickets. My e-mail address is -
I will be there for the friday ( ) and Saturday ( ) please tick as appropriate
Barnard Castle Accommodation List
Due to the closure of the tourist office in Barnard Castle we have tried to confirm all the B&B telephone numbers.
The Black Horse is under new management and operating as a B&B again. Any problems please ring Robbie or I.
The Jersey Farm Hotel, Darlington Road, Barnard Castle 01833 638223
Mr P Whittaker, 33 Newgate, Barnard Castle 01833 690208
Mrs J Young, Demesnes Mill, Barnard Castle 01833 637929
Mrs K Chesman, Greta House, 89 Galgate, Barnard Castle 01833 631193
Crich House, Bed and Breakfast 01833 630357
Mrs I Williams, Homelands, 85 Galgate, Barnard Castle 01833 638757
I & E Reid 34 The Bank Barnard Castle 01833 631304
Strathmore Lawn East (Mrs Lodge) 81 Galgate Barnard Castle 01833 637061
The Black Horse Newgate Barnard Castle 07545217078
The Old Well The Bank Barnard Castle 01833 690130
The Commercial Hotel 12 Galgate Barnard Castle 01833 637942
The Golden Lion High Street Barnard Castle 01833 631287
Baliol House 60 Galgate Barnard Castle 01833 637965
Cloverfield 132 Galgate Barnard Castle 01833 637050
The Coach and Horses Galgate Barnard Castle 01833 637296
The Cricketers Arms 01833 630194
The Red Well Inn Harmire Road Barnard Castle 01833 637002 or 0844 484 2963
A66 Motel Smallways, Richmond North Yorkshire. 01833 627334
Startforth House Church Bank, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8QJ. 01833 631126
The Fox & Hounds Inn Cotherstone, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 9PF. 01833 650241
The Rose & Crown Romaldkirk, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 9EB. 01833 650213