Welcome To L (Néry) OCA and N Parachute Battery ( The Eagle Troop)
L(Néry) and N Parachute Battery (The Eagle Troop)
Members Association(OCA)

Secretary - George Foster 01642 644645 - 07951 241870(Mob)
The Old Comrades Association of L (Néry) Battery was formed in 1990 by Tom Jackson and for the past few years has embraced N Battery (The Eagle Troop). This union imitates the recent status of the serving battery in 1st Regiment RHA and also reflects the association the two batteries have experienced throughout their history's. We are an informal association with the main aim o f holding an annual reunion every August bank holiday weekend in Barnard Castle. At our reunions we attract between sixty and eighty in number including wives, girlfriends and partners. In August 2018 we will be holding our twentyninth reunion.
The strong bond between the former members of the two batteries is helped by Graham "Moose" Moore, ex Eagles, who has been coming to the reunions for a good number of years.
I joined L (Néry) Battery in 1962 and remained with them until 1976 when I moved to 49 Fd Regiment and in 1982 to 45 Fd Regiment. I have run the OCA since 1994/5 with the help of the late Robbie Ross and Andy Munn.
Use the zoom + to locate Birch Road Barnard Castle
Latest Reunion News

2024 - 33rd Annual Reunion
The dates for this years reunion will be Friday and Saturday 23 rd and 24th August 2024, the bank holiday weekend. You can download reunion information by CLICKING HERE
The information contained in this site has been obtained from a number of sources and therefore the accuracy cannot be confirmed. Some of the content is a matter of opinion and therefore should be judged against the site visitors own knowledge and experience. Late news items or items that may be of interest to members will be placed periodically on the news page.
If you want to contact me with ideas for the site or any OCA business my telephone number is : 07951241870 or email [email protected]
Many thanks,
George Foster