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Eagles 2ooth Anniversary of Foundation
(August 26, 2011)200th Anniversary of Foundation. 11 Nov 11 will see the 200th anniversary of the Battery’s Foundation. The Battery will be celebrating as a Battery on 11 Nov 11 but would like to hold a serving and former comrades celebration in Hohne, Germany on Sat 12 Nov 11; this will include a tour of our current equipment and training facilities, a Bty history tour and a black tie meal during the evening. There will also be an opportunity for the Old Comrades to attend the Garrison Remembrance Day Service prior to returning to the UK. Further details can be obtained by emailing the Battery Sergeant Major at [email protected]. I would be grateful for your assistance in advertising the event. We intend to commemorate the event with the presentation to the Battery – details of what are still TBC. This should appear in the September and October issues of Gunner Magazine